Devoted. Experienced. Professional.



I’m Dr. Adam and I am honored to be working with you.
My history with chiropractic started right here in Collegedale. I would tag along with my Dad when he got adjusted by the late Dr. Rob Mellert. His love and passion for helping others inspired me to become a chiropractor. After working my way through the Collegedale school system I headed to Life University in Atlanta to study Chiropractic. My time there afforded me not only an outstanding education but also an amazing wife and partner when I met Dr. Valerie.
Upon finishing our studies we were given an opportunity to practice and travel around the world to places like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and China. We settled in Singapore for 6 years and once our daughter Elsy was on the way we knew it was time to head home. We are thrilled to be able to serve our hometown community with the experience and knowledge gained by working in amazing offices around the globe. Our aim is to offer you and your family a world class experience, just around the corner. At the office we provide a wide variety of gentle effective chiropractic techniques.
When I'm not at work you might find me touring the local power lifting gyms, exploring the great outdoors, holding ministry gatherings, or having a day out with my family at the aquarium.
Thank you for trusting me to help you reach your health goals. I will be here with you, every step of the way.

You may be interested to know a few things about myself. When I am not helping my patients, I am home enjoying my wonderful family. I love to travel even if I don’t get to do too much of it anymore. I’ve traveled to Thailand, Indonesia, China and even lived in Singapore for 6 years. It was a fantastic period in our lives. I laugh a lot and always try to leave others with a smile on their face. Oh, and I love to talk. I enjoy connecting with others through conversation and life experiences. Relationships are so important and I am passionate about creating genuine ones! I am committed to creating an amazing life that not only fulfills my hopes and dreams but one that helps to enrich the lives of others.
Professionally I have trained under some amazing chiropractors over the past 10 years. They have helped to develop in me the skills I use every day to provide my patients with the highest standard of care. I am committed to always giving patients my best; this means I continue to train and educate on the latest information and skills in my profession to better be able to serve you and your family. I have high expectations of myself as a chiropractor so that you always get what you deserve; a passionate chiropractor that has your best interests at heart and has the skills and know-how to provide excellent care for you and for your loved ones.
These are just a few things about myself. I look forward to getting to know you and you getting to know me better. One last thing, I am an open book, meaning...ask anything you want to know and I am happy to have a chat!
I hope you have a fantastic day.